In Episode 32 a couple weeks ago When, Why And How To Seek Out A Partner When Starting A Business I listened as Yaro (@yarostarak) explained that Walter (@techiewalter) and Yaro were rushed that week. He explained how they usually gossip before the show and therefore can focus during the show without recording personal gossip. The show notes say “You have to make it through the first ten minutes of the show where Walter and I ramble about what we got up to during the previous week…” The advice is very good about how to approach different kinds of relationships when working with people in early stage start ups.
Episode 33 started out on a bad foot. Yaro made a small error and said “episode 23″ when he meant 33 for What You Should Know Before Creating A Software Product. Walter called him on it. No big deal. After responding to some other #eepodcast conversations I was surprised. I guess Yaro forgot about what he said in the previous episode. I think my intentions were not conveyed accurately. Sorry about that. I inadvertently used to send this to them:
I hope the #eepodcast guys gossip _before_ recording the next podcast
A bit of nostalgia followed about the dreams of twelve year old former selves and the motivations for doing start ups. Early on transformers, fast cars, travel and unlimited chocolate motivates many a 12 year old boy. This was helpful to me. The reality sometimes doesn’t measure up to common start up stereotypes. After all, start up people need to sell others to work hard after joining a start up company! Research from the Founders Dilemmas validates this. It’s often the case you have the best day of your life and the worst day of your life every day during the incubation phase of a start up.
The episode went on to cover an important topic, SaaS product and company development, with some history from Nikki Durkin, Cranky Ads, Airbnb and Twitter.
Feedback was requested concerning the topic of the next podcast. I would love to hear more about Walters early 2013 learning from listening to three months of SaaS founder interviews. His map of the process required to develop SaaS software companies might not map onto my experience last year with a SaaS start up. His use of whiteboards mapping out and synthesizing the process used by founders may be difficult to distill into one episode but worth the effort and may lead to a series (as mentioned) or a book. Tight feedback to whittle down MVPs, customer development, outbound sales and inbound sales were mentioned as important parts of the process.
Best wishes for sorting out the work visa issues this week. I look forward to the next podcast. Comments via twitter using the hash tag #eepodcast were requested. Comments are welcome here as well.
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